OLD COSSACK Water Kefir Tonic - Ginger and Turmeric 330ml 750ml

Old Cossack Ginger and Turmeric Water Kefir Low sugar, using cold pressed organic ginger root and turmeric with a pinch of black pepper. An ultra healthy tasty beverage. * natural water kefir culture * all natural *dairy and gluten free * natural probiotic * no presevative * Probiotics * 30+ microflora * low sugar * antioxidants
Manufacturer: Old Cossack
Availability: Out of stock

Please order any quantity of one size only at a time

AU$ 5.65

OLD COSSACK DRINKS - Raw and Local Organic Handcrafted in Australia from fresh local organic ingredients A complex symbiosis of beneficial bacteria and yeast The kefir culture rebalances intesinal flora for a healthy immune and digestive system and helps reduce imflamation Please note: Due to the fermentation process, this product contains trace amounts of alcohol but not more than .5%.