OLD COSSACK Water Kefir Tonic - Green tea and Super Leaves 330ml 750ml

Old Cossack Green Tea and Super Leaves Water Kefir Using fresh organic kale, spinach, baby beetroot leaves, broccoli and mint all cold pressed and mixed with organic green tea for an ultra healthy kefir concoction. * natural water kefir culture * all natural *dairy and gluten free * natural probiotic * no presevative * Probiotics * 30+ microflora * low sugar * antioxidants
Manufacturer: Old Cossack
Availability: In stock

Please order any quantity of one size only at a time

AU$ 5.65

OLD COSSACK DRINKS - Raw and Local Organic Handcrafted in Australia from fresh local organic ingredients A complex symbiosis of beneficial bacteria and yeast The kefir culture rebalances intesinal flora for a healthy immune and digestive system and helps reduce imflamation Please note: Due to the fermentation process, this product contains trace amounts of alcohol but not more than .5%.